They say laughter is the best medicine, and I'd have to agree. Nothing feels better than laughing so hard you are exhausted when you are done. Today I had one of those laughs. We were having a hard time getting a med in Kylie. The liquid came right back out. We tried the pill and she spit that out. So last resort was to crush it and put it in her ice cream. The nurse brought it in and put it on her tray beside her bed. I was busy and didn't notice that Lee picked it up. Lee loves ice cream. And Kylie typically eats 2 bites of one thing and we eat the rest. So Lee was helping her out with her ice cream when I looked up. I gasp and said no don't eat it, her meds are in there. The nurse looks up horrified and ask if he ate any. He has a smirk on his face and I am now full out laughing! The nurse just stood there flustered. I have now totally lost control. And if you know me you know I am crying and can't say a word. Mean while Lee is amused watching the nurse and me in hysterics. I don't remember what she said when she left, but every time she came back Lee made up something about not feeling well, I'd yell at him to be nice, and start laughing all over again. Eventually the nurse was laughing too but it took a couple hours. She said as she wrote up the report it struck her funny and said in 25 years this has never happened. She also said she will never hear the end of it from co workers and probably a new rule will happen where you can't put meds in ice cream. So there you have it. I'm hoping you are smiling or laughing as you read this. I have a BIG ole Jessie cat grin on my face...
Ok onto the upade...We are so THANKFUL Kylie had a better day. Her xray was better and we started to see a little Kylie come out. Tonight she looked at me and said "I love mommy". It melted my heart. She said the same to daddy when he came back. Her pacing wires that were put in during her heart surgery were pulled since her pacemaker is working well. Also her chest drainage tub was pulled today. And she is being weened off of oxygen so we could go with out the tank on our walk. We can actually take her out of her room with out 3 people holding onto different things. She got a couple dollars in a card today so we took her to the gift shop. Didn't have any energy to shop but did point to the candy. We will try again tomorrow. So so thankful for more baby steps forward today. So thankful for answered prayers. We give him the honor and glory. Please continue to pray for the lungs to clear totally so we can come home.
The BIG event of the day is opening cards. Thanks so
much for blessing us in this way!
Our card wall is almost full.
We have been moved out of ICU!!!
Oh happy day!
Kylie was able to eat on her own a little today.
Shira and Kate made it back to PA on the train.
Miss you guys already.
Kylie cried for awhile after you left.
Love it. Lee was looking for some attention. ��