Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

Today's Kylie update is being written by Katie Stoltzfus.

Kylie has some visitors today. Mary Ann (Aunt) and I (cousin) made the trek up to Boston to come visit the little munchkin and help take some turns sitting in her room with her. Lee left this morning to return back home for a couple of days.

Today didn't have too many changes for little miss Kylie, but she has made some progress. At this point, she remains quite and mostly expressionless, and she's not interested in too much at this point. As the day progressed she became more and more alert and active, so it's encouraging to see her continue to progress. She is starting to re-position herself more frequently and more easily. The nurse worked with her to get her out of bed twice today. It's important for her to be getting up and moving even though it is difficult and uncomfortable for her. She was hesitant and resistant to getting out of bed, but with encouragement from the nurse and us she bravely made herself try. True to Kylie fashion, her determination to try shone through.

Child life specialists were able to come by today and engage Kylie in some activities and music therapy. She enjoyed that.

Eating has been a bit of a struggle for her. She has very little interest in trying to eat much. Mostly the best she has been doing is drinking juice. While trying to get her to eat some of her dinner tonight she did verbally ask for water, which was a positive sign because she hasn't really been attempting to talk very much. In order to encourage her to eat a couple more bites of her dinner, we FaceTimed Grandma (Katie Kauffman) and Grandma coaxed her to eat a little bit more. She'll do just about anything for Grandma :)

Thank you all for continuing to lift up Kylie in your prayers. The love and support is definitely appreciated. It's truly incredible to see how many people are invested in praying for this little girl.

Technically food isn't supposed to be brought into the patient rooms, but drinks with lids are okay. Kris and Mom both have started hiding food inside of cups. They are quite pleased with themselves. 

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