Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 11th, 2014

I’m so excited as tonight myself and the family are heading up to Messiah College to have a family meeting and share how God is calling us to adopt.  Shira was drilling Lee and I on what the meeting was about.  She says dad and mom you’re adopting, and Cody pulls his ear phones out and says with disgust…Mom you are not pregnant are you!  This had me chuckling the rest of the way.  After picking up Mitch we all headed to Bonanza Restaurant.  I could hardly contain my excitement as Lee revealed the reason for our meeting.  He ask each child how they felt about it.  I loved everyone’s response:  Shira with great conviction says, Dad & Mom we are called to take care of the orphans and widows.  Mitch was slow to speak but after some thought, responded as Lee would have.  Well I won’t be around so really all the work is on you guys, but it sounds good to me.  Cody was so sweet and said could we get a little boy so I can play football with him.  I explained he would be close to going to college when she joined our family and he understood.  Kate just got a HUGE smile across her face.

The paper work began…a pink binder was started and it all became real.  The list of things to file, forms to be filled out, classes to be taken, interviews, and fingerprints to be done was daunting!  Not only did we need to get clearances, referrals, and prints done for Lee and I but for all three of the older kids. One of the many forms that needed to be filled out was going to our family doctor and discussing over 50 plus medical conditions, and what we would be willing to work with.  Could I handle a child with learning disabilities, missing limbs, skin conditions, blind, hearing loss, and the list went on and on.  Many of the terms I didn’t even recognize.  This is not an easy thing to do.  Every child needs a mom and dad to love them.  LHAA was so kind and said we want success for the child and parents.  Be realistic to what you know you can handle.  Lee and I both agreed we were not cut out for severe handicap or learning disabilities.  Taking a step back in time…Mitch’s second day into charter school he ask me a question, and Shira yells from her desk, “don’t ask mom she doesn’t know anything”!  I wanted to say yes Shira you are correct academics was not my strength and this is why you have teachers on line.  And if you want dinner…be kind!  But I tell you that story to say I’m not cut out to be a teacher, and patience has never been a strong character of mine. 

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